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Monday 3 June 2024

A Series of Unfortunate Events!

An abandoned home!

After our sumptuous lunch at On The Way Kopitiam we made our way to Jalan Sultan Ismail and to a house left behind by my late Aunty. She passed away (of natural causes) a couple of years ago. She lived alone and her house was left unattended in the time since her death. We made a solemn promise to visit and straighten out her house and see if we cannot make it a home once more.

We last visited the house in November 2021 but were not able to put in motion our plans to give her home a proper cleaning.

This time around before coming we contacted a local cleaning company, Terengganu Cleaning Services to task them with the spring cleaning project. A fee was agreed and Zuhdi the proprietor promised to turn up tomorrow.

With that in mind we went to my late Aunty's house to provide Zuhdi with an exact location. However as soon as we arrived a big ugly black SUV bearing the registration number CEV83 was parked in front of the house, straddling the gate.

We made a call to the offending neighbour Vivienne who informed that the vehicle belonged to her husband. The culprit soon moved the vehicle but not before I gave him a stern talking to.

We then went about our business ascertaining the state of the house to discover that both the lights and water had been turned off! We quickly made a call to my cousin Emily who was a lawyer and also the administrator to my Aunty's estate.

She owned up to the fact that that she had overlooked to keep up with the utility bills of the house. In hindsight we should have checked all the faucets and power outlets before jumping to the conclusion that it was disrupted or disconnected?

I quickly called Zuhdi to inform him that we had to postpone our appointment tomorrow to Wednesday (the day after) while I sorted out the water bill. We will need to settle the water bill with Syarikat Air Terengganu (SATU) first thing tomorrow morning, and hope that it gets reconnected within the day. Meanwhile my cousin Emily will work on re-activating Aunty's electricity supply which has fallen dormant.

If all goes well Zuhdi will commence work on Wednesday morning instead. Deflated but never defeated we hopped back into BiBi bound for the Airbnb.

Footnote: The following day our first order of business was to visit the Syarikat Air Terengganu (SATU) to settle my late Aunty's water bill. We paid the bill and learnt that the water supply was not yet disconnected. We were also advised to lodge a report if the water supply to her house was disrupted for any reason.

We then drove to my late Aunty house to test both the lights and water, and to our relief both were not disrupted nor disconnected. It seemed that the faucet at the porch was facing a blockage, all other faucet in the house was fine. We also switched on the circuit breaker and found all light fixtures in order.
We then called Zuhdi to confim our appointment for tomorrow morning at 9:00am.

Be sure to catch our upcoming video where we check into an excellent Airbnb home called DERU!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:

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