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Monday 31 July 2023

Chaos is a Friend of Mine

It's been a while!

I think I can absolutely relate to the quote “Chaos is a friend of mine” by Bob Dylan, that best described my entire month of July.

Without mincing words I was knackered each weekday, and could only think of doing absolutely nothing on the weekdays.

Naturally we were not able to create any content, apart from the ones I did for my campaign at work.

This was the 30-second teaser video:

While this was the 1-minute launch video:

The campaign launched on 24th July, and soon after that more videos ensured.

With July coming to an end I could breathe a sigh of relief and with Work from Home privileges soon to be reinstated in August it could not come soon enough.

We will [yet again] be spending time in Melaka in the coming week, to celebrate Brendan's birthday [7th August] and more auspiciously to celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary on the 8th of August.

We had initially planned on a road trip to Kuala Terengganu but with the impending State Elections on the 12th of August we decided against it.

We will be sure to resume posting in August, so do stay tuned!

P/S: This was the eventual video for my campaign at work: