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Monday 13 September 2010

Hari Raya 2010 @ KL, Day 2

On the 2nd day of Hari Raya, with nothing to do and nowhere to go, we headed out to Ikea in the morning.

My, how he's grown!

Last time he was allowed into Smaland:)


Free refills, anyone?

Deserted counters in the background:)

While KL folks made the exodus back to their home towns, we noticed a high number of non-KL/Selangor plated cars (from as far as Perlis & Johore) around KL town. The lack of patience at check-out counters also told us the Penangites were in town as well :-(

Sunday 12 September 2010

Hari Raya 2010 @ KL, Day 1

It can be pretty quiet in Kuala Lumpur during the holiday season surrounding Hari Raya period. We elected to stay behind and not join the mad frenzy to "balik kampung" this year.

Growing up in Kuala Terengganu, we were spoilt for choice when it came to open houses, not so in Kuala Lumpur. The mass exodus of KL folks (of all races, mind you) means during the Hari Raya period means no one actually celebrates it here. You could run around naked on the streets of Kuala Lumpur and no one would bother you (except perhaps the boys in blue).

Fortunately, my old friend Fazleen elected to stay back too, and we had a place to visit.

I think we were kinda early?

No matter, we felt right at home:)

We were introduced to 'Kuzi'..

Cat, Brendan & Fazleen

together with Fazleen's Angels :-)