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Wednesday 6 March 2013

Thyroid Function Studies March 2013

T3: 5.15 (normal levels from 2.23 to 5.35) – normal (at last) J
T4: 16.6 (normal levels 9.1 to 24.4) – normal J
TSH: 0.01 (normal levels is from 0.30 to 4.64) – complications*

*due to complications arising from the cholesterol medication. Doctor’s pretty confident this is a minor problem, as long as it’s not at an elevated state I should be fine (it was an uncharted ‘999’ before).

I will be celebrating my 44th birthday soon, so these results are an early present as far as I am concerned.

And oh, one more thing, I’m off the walking stick J

here's hoping for many happy returns J