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Monday 3 February 2014

Spring Garden Chinese Restaurant

Spring Garden Chinese Restaurant
Tropicana Golf & Country Resort 2813
47400 Petaling Jaya
(Coordinates: E101° 35' 1.7" N3° 7' 49.1")

The next Loh Sang session came at the behest of a certain Mr. Prosser (that’s you, David). This time we had the pleasure of participating in this Loh Sang session in the company of Sammy and Sophie Mei Prosser (and oh, a million thanks to my sister Vivien as well!).

So again, without further ado, we’ll allow our pictures to do the talking for us...

I thought it was spring onions at first!
time to get me some reading glasses
your typical Tai Thong establishment
understated posh!
Vivien, Sophie and the indomitable David!
Sammy and his evil twin ;-)
hey, my t-shirt says 'superdey'!
Vincent takes his food ordering seriously
Sophie couldn't care less
Vincent making sure all's in order
here we go...
chopsticks at the ready
... huat!
all loh-ed up
Sophie's char siew pau
she loves her char siew pau
delectable bean curd
chicken feet (the cleanest part of the bird?)
delicious dim sum
more delicious dim sum
dim sum anyone?
and even more delicious dim sum
kai lan
making room for the ...
scrumptious red snapper!
ooh, and we had roasted chicken to boot!
David can't get enough of the red snapper!

So again we reiterate that since we did not pick up the tab we won't be inclined to mention the damage. But judging from the setting and address, you’d guess that it will be astronomically beyond the everyday food for the everyday person!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Restoran Golden Court (丽晶阁大酒楼)

Restoran Golden Court (丽晶阁大酒楼)
113 Jalan Chan Siang Sun
Off Jalan Chui Yin
28700 Bentong
(Coordinates: E101° 54' 30.9" N3° 31' 17.9")

This is the first of a series of Loh Sang sessions our family will be participating in. The Yee Sang, or Prosperity Toss is a Teochew-style raw fish salad. It usually consists of strips of raw fish (most commonly salmon), mixed with shredded vegetables and a variety of sauces and condiments, among other ingredients. It literally means "raw fish" but may also bring the meaning of an increase in abundance. Therefore, yee sang is considered a symbol of abundance, prosperity and vigour.

We had the pleasure of participating in this Loh Sang session courtesy of Vincent’s parents, Uncle Peter and Auntie Amy. So without further ado, let’s allow our pictures do the talking for us...

one of the grander restaurants in Bentong
part owned by a relative of Uncle Peter's
Vincent does the honours with the beverages
Vincent hard at it
my sister Vivien, her daughter Sophie and our Dad!
well then, here goes!
my Mom reaching out for more yee sang
Brendan had plenty too
here's wishing for health...
... wealth...
... and prosperity!
my sister Virginia and her better half, Vincent
Vincent's parents, Uncle Peter and Aunty Amy
my parents, Elizabeth and David
my sister Vivien and her daughter Sophie
isn't she an absolute doll?
so let the games begin!

Oh, and since we did not pick up the tab we won't mention the damage... hehehe!