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Sunday 21 July 2013

Sanuki Udon

Sanuki Udon (pork-free?)
No. 9 Jalan Bukit Desa 5
Taman Bukit Desa
58100 Kuala Lumpur
+60379803704, +60122418131
(Coordinates: 3° 6' 38.50", 101° 41' 5.50")

As with most Sundays I woke pretty early this morning and went about my usual weekend routine including moderating and administering my car club’s official website,

Browsing through my two favourite ‘makan’ sites, Malaysian Most Wanted Food and Openrice Malaysia I stumbled upon this japanese restaurant. Described as a hidden gem of a place that’s reasonably priced, my interest was definitely peaked.

Soon as Brendan and Cat woke up and showered, we punched in the coordinates and made our way to Taman Bukit Desa. We are unfamiliar with this part of town and if not for the GPS navigator we would be hard pressed to locate the restaurant.

It was indeed a treasure concealed within a residential area cuddled up among rows of terrace houses and located right in front of a condominium. It was a diminutive and narrow shop with 'strategically' spaced chairs and table, very Japanese indeed. The Udon however, more than made up for the tight seating arrangements.

right across Desa Villa Condominium

quiet suburban settings

simple, clear and concise

taking in the sights

free-flowing green tea at RM1

waiting to be served

Brendan ordered the Kitsune Udon (literally means fox noodles, wheat flour noodles served in hot soup and topped with seasoned aburaage - thinly sliced deep-fried tofu), Cat tried the Kakiage Udon (wheat flour noodles served in hot soup and topped with Kakiage, a kind of tempura in which different ingredients are mixed together in tempura batter before being deep-fried) while I sampled the Tan Tan Udon (wheat flour noodles with spicy, red chili oil soup, ground pork, preserved vegetables and green onions).

Brendan's Kitsune Udon

he looks pleased
Cat's Kakiage Udon

chopsticks at the ready

my Tan Tan Udon


The verdict? Hands downs some of the best wheat flour noodles we’ve had so far. Then again, we have not been extensively exposed to Japanese cuisine so don’t hold us to this. Like we've said in the past, we're no food critics but we know what we like.

I kid you not!

And the damage? A mind-bogglingly respectable RM23.00 including free-flowing green tea at RM1.00 a pop. Everyday food for the everyday person? Heck yeah!

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