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Wednesday 24 July 2013

Bye-Bye Decimal Degrees!

It is finally done!

We had embarked on a side project to convert latitude and longitude geographic coordinates from decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, and seconds listed in our posts. We did this because we discovered that we were not able to punch in the coordinates on our cheapo GPS navigator in the decimal degrees format. At the same time, we discovered that some of the coordinates (sourced from Google Maps) were not very accurate.

We’ve checked and re-checked all coordinates after the conversion, and are confident that the placements are accurate to within 50 metres of the address. So long as it’s within sight, even if it’s a little off you should still be able to sight the restaurant/stall/food truck.

(We will not be inserting coordinates to eateries location within well-known shopping malls and department stores as we’re pretty sure based on the addresses provided you should be able to locate the establishments)

The only problem we had was trying to pinpoint the exact location of Uncle Chow Kopitiam in Cameron Highlands. Initial searches on Google Map yielded inaccurate placements. So in the end we resorted to an approximation based on memory of where the location was. We still think that even this is still not accurate, hopefully we’ll have a chance to pay Uncle Chow Kopitiam another visit and pinpoint the location accurately.

With any luck after the conversion it’ll be easier to locate the places we’ve posted about, and if our coordinates were way off in the past please accept our deepest apologies.

Happy eating! And to my Muslims friends happy fasting and breaking fast!

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