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Sunday 26 May 2013

Imperial Garden Restaurant (a.k.a. My Dear Friend's Wedding)

Imperial Garden Restaurant
7th Floor, Intan Square
No. 3, Lorong Utara C
46200 Petaling Jaya
(Coordinates: 3° 6' 15.50", 101° 38' 23.00")

We’ve been issued with a summons, and our presence is required at 7:00PM at the above premises! Hahaha, my dear old friend Chang Siew Pheng (affectionately known to us as Chang Boy) is FINALLY getting hitched and we eagerly went to celebrate this joyous occasion with the bride and groom.

I read somewhere that one of the greatest titles we can have is 'old friend'. Today is the day to invest in those people we hope will call us 'old friend' in the years to come. So, heartiest congratulations to you my old friend!

Mr. Chang Siew Pheng!

at the reception area

at the reception area

So, this time we will pay equal emphasis to the restaurant and the occasion of Chang Boy’s wedding. First off, it’s pretty easy to get here as the restaurant is right beside PJ’s Armada Hotel. Ample parking space but the ramps are quite narrow and navigating around the tight bends can be a challenge. The restaurant is on the seventh floor, and decorated in the style and fashion of any typical Tai Thong restaurant. 

killing some time?

with an old buddy's wife

we were unfashionably early

cozy table at the back

un-chinese looking decor?


Chang Boy was dressed to the nines (as he should be) and the bride was equally charming.

so the handsome

dashing Chang Boy!

guests start milling in

7:00PM, malaysian time

This wedding also served as a mini-reunion for ex-Southern Bankers as I met and caught up with long lost acquaintances.

ex-Southern Bankers mini reunion

The bride and groom made their grand entrance close to 8PM.

grinning couple

he won the lottery?

bridal procession

elevated view

greying hair already?

dinner is served

the waiter with the goldfish eyes!

Dinner was then served!

special four combinations

customary shark's fin soup with scallops & crabs

suckling oink-oink and roasted duck

steamed mandarin fish

boiled prawns with chinese herbs

stewed fish maw with dried oysters

the star of the night, chef's special glutinous rice!

red bean puree with sago

sweet fancy duet?

After a change of wardrobe, the bride and groom partook in the customary cake cutting ceremony before making their mandatory rounds to every table for rousing renditions of y-a-m-s-e-n-g. Since we were seated right at the back by the time Chang Boy made his way to our table he was suitably sloshed!

a given at any wedding

this too

let the festivities begin!

hope Chang Boy brushed his teeth

what, me drunk?

Cat got in the act too!

A special wish for Chang Boy & GiGi.. here's wishing each new day finds your hearts closer, your lives fuller, your love deeper. Congratulations on your new life together. May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humor, a touch of romance, and a spoonful of understanding? May your joy last forever!

managed to sneak a shot

here's wishing for a bun in the oven soon!

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