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Wednesday 27 December 2023

Padang Besar Shopping: Padang Waremart • Aked Niaga

Padang Besar!

Soon as we stepped off the Padang Besar KTM station a large group of overzealous 'taxi' drivers swarmed us. Overwhelmed by the situation, we took a step back and tried hailing a Grab car, to no avail.

Unwilling and unable to withstand the constant onslaught of these overzealous  men we decided to walk out of the station compound. A few hundred meters away we stopped to try our best luck with the Grab app again.

We were in luck! A Grab car was on its way to pick us up up and take us to where we wanted to go: Aked Niaga Padang Besar.

We arrived at a quarter past eleven and without hesitation headed to the nearest eatery we could find, which is this case was Kori Corner.

We did not have a bite to eat all morning so we both went for rice dishes. Our orders consisted of:

  • Cat's Belacan Fried Rice 
  • My Chicken Pad Khra Pow
  • Iced Green Tea 

that came to RM23.00 (approximately USD/EUR5).

With our early lunch out of the way we then went for a potty break before making our way into the vast retail centre known as Padang Waremart.

Top on our list was Madam Heng's herbal soap, that we found at the very first shop that offered RM40 for a half dozen (or RM6.67 per soap). Not contented we continued browsing but all other shops were only able to offer RM8.00+ per soap.

After more browsing we circled back to the first shop and got ourselves two dozen of these awesome herbal soaps for a grand total of RM160.00 (approximately USD35/EUR31).

In the meantime Cat kept an eye out for her compact powder, to no avail. We then exited Padang Waremart and headed across the street to Aked Niaga Padang Besar to continue our search for Cat's compact powder.

We remembered buying it at a stall on the first floor, so we walked up and eventually found it. Priced at RM15 per refill I asked Cat to get 5 refills for a grand total of RM75.00 (approximately USD16/EUR15).

We then doubled back to the general vicinity of Padang Waremart to buy some fruits and siamese snacks including Cat's favourite Miang Kham.

With our shopping done we tried hailing a Grab car back to the Padang Besar KTM station, to no avail. Then a 'taxi' offered to take us there for RM10.00, an offer we accepted given the circumstances.

The driver was a friendly local chap who bemoaned some Siamese with not scruples that smuggled our petrol (gasoline) from Malaysia to Thailand. A liter of RON95 costs RM2.10 here, and RM4.80 in Thailand precipitating the smuggling activities.

We soon arrived at the Padang Besar KTM station, so be sure to catch our previous video to find out what happened next. In the meantime stay tuned as we have dinner just across the street from the Green House!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:

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