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Tuesday 26 December 2023

Boxing Day Walkabout: To Macalister and Back

Boxing Day!

After an afternoon of editing videos I began to develop a stiff neck. The remedy? A walkabout, of course!

We left the Green House at a quarter past six and walked along Jalan Transfer headed southwest before turning right onto Jalan Burma. We then walked across Jalan Burma onto Lorong Madras and continued southwest till we reached Jalan Macalister.

We then walked across and headed southeast towards Lorong Baru, towards the New Lane Street Foodstalls. We then explored this hawker centre for a bit but nothing here struck our fancy.

We then walked back across Jalan Macalister and continued northwest till we reached Sih Jing San Coffeeshop, another old favourite food court. The place was packed to the rafters but after a short wait a table availed to us.

We were not in the mood for rice so we went ahead with noodle-based dishes. The best thing? All noodle dishes cost RM7.00 each, which included:

  •  Brendan's Char Kueh Teow
  •  Cat's Kueh Teow Thng 
  •  My Hokkien Mee

A round of drinks cost RM11.00, and a plate of Lor Bak was RM12.00 plus Brendan loved the Char Kueh Teow so much he a second helping. In the end our typical Penang dinner came to RM51.00 (approximately USD11/EUR10).

Our perut filled we decided to go back the way we came from, but not before stopping by a Health Lane pharmacy so that Brendan could get fresh supplies of band aid for his blistered feet.

We then headed home in exact reversed order, namely Jalan Macalister > Lorong Madras > Jalan Burma > Jalan Transfer. We then stopped by Hassan Briyani House on the way to the Green House to take away a couple packets of Teh Tarik.

Stay tuned for tomorrow as we go on a surprise day trip to a neighbouring state!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
New Lane Street Foodstalls -

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