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Thursday 18 August 2022

New Gear Day (Altech Camera, Berjaya Times Square)

New gear day!

During our recent trip to Penang our little Lumix GX85 broke down. The shutter mechanism was jammed and after asking around found someone who could repair it.

So while waiting for it be repaired we managed to acquire a previously owned Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III as a back-up camera that came with the Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 kit lens from our trusted camera shop, Altech Camera. We did not film that particular visit.

Then we came upon a nifty lens to go with the Olympus EM10, the M.Zuiko 12mm f2.0 lens that Altech had for sale. Without hesitation I hailed a Grab car and headed over to acquire the lens.

Then a few days Danny the repairman called to inform that the repairs were done. He even personally sent the camera to us (since he had an errand to run in the general vicinity) and we were overjoyed that our precious little Lumix GX85 came back alive!

So we thought we'd make a short video on the newly acquired second hand camera and lens, and to celebrate the return of our precious little Lumix GX85.

We will return to regular programming in the posts to come, so we hope you will excuse the diversion.

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Altech Camera -

We do what we can to support local businesses, and it's always good to know that everyone here observes all related SOPs, it helps make us feel safer and reassured.

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