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Friday 1 November 2013

Lose the weight or gain a disease!

I received some alarming news from my regular physician today. Due to the gain in weight came the inevitable rise in blood sugar levels. I was given clear and explicit orders: lose the weight or gain a disease. No brainer, right? Easier said than done.

Among other things, the doctor suggested that I had to curb the intake of carbohydrates (which he said included rice, noodles, bread and stuff… sob!). So in other words, henceforth I had to embark on a low-carb diet. What becomes of this blog then? Well, for one thing I don’t think I’ll be falling out of love with food anytime soon, so apart from a change in eating habits (from a bowl of rice to three spoonfuls as the doctor prescribed) this blog should live on.

If anything, in the future we could try sampling food that is both healthy AND cheap. And oh, here's the kicker: the doctor said that despite my alarming weight he was against any drastic weight loss regime (diet pills definite no-no!). Given my present Hypothyroid condition it would be wise for my to gradually loose the weight. So the plan is, besides a low-carb diet I'll be brisk walking/light jogging at least 2 kilometres a day every day in hopes of losing 2 kilograms a month. Fingers crossed, here goes…

2 km a day, 2 kgs a month?

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