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Saturday 8 June 2013

This is it Andy!

Kelab Tasik Putrajaya 
No. 2 Jalan P8 Presint 8
62250 Putrajaya
(Coordinates: 2° 56' 23.50", 101° 41' 16.50")

This post will not be about food or cuisines or such. This very special post will be about the very special occasion of a very special person.

This is it Andy! Where do I begin? I met Anderson Tan Huat Chye all those years ago when he was courting my sister. Best to get the awkward stuff out of the way. Yes, he was previously married to my sister and he was my brother-in-law for a time. All good things must come to an end, and they parted ways (amicably, I must say). 

Through thick and thin, we’ve had each other’s back in some way, shape or form. He’s been a ‘bro’ to me and Brendan’s godfather and a very dear friend all this time.

My presence at his wedding was met with amused smirks on the faces of some who just don’t get it. An end to a marriage between two persons does not mean the end to relationships and bonds of friendships to everyone else around, so wipe that smirk off your faces ok? (you know who you are!)

Enough of venting, it’s all about Anderson and his quest for happiness. Money does not buy you happiness, and I think Andy will be the first person to acknowledge this. In pursuit of happyness has taken my dear friend down a very long, dark and winding road, which ultimately led him to this joyous occasion and his one true love, Dee.

Third time’s the charm, eh? If you would believe the soothsayers, this is it Andy! My fervent hope and prayer for you is this: that you have finally met the one person who is unlike any other. The one you could forever talk to. The one that understands you in a way that no one else does or even could. This person, your soul mate; your best friend; your guardian angel sent from heaven above... that she is to you what Cat is to me!

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