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Saturday 25 May 2024

BORNEO Native Festival 2024

It's BNf 2024!

We've been visiting the Borneo Native Festival ("BNf" for short) for two straight years and were excited to make it a happy hattrick.

With the theme of "Power in Unity" this year's BNf invited us to "Dive into the World of Borneo: A Captivating vibrant cultures, Amazing food and an Immersive music experience.”

Events planned for this year’s festival included:

  • Food & Crafts
  • Borneo Talks
  • Creative Dance Competition 
  • Miss Ethnic BNf
  • Sape Stage
  • Borneotroops - (Marching)
  • AR Live Experience 

We eagerly made our way to the bus stop along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman (TAR) where we caught a RapidKL bus #180 to the Pasar Seni Bus Hub for a fare of RM1.00 (approximately USD/EUR0.20). We then walked north along Jalan Hang Kasturi before making our way across Jalan Tun Sambathan to Central Market.

As always we entered its northern entrance and walked the entire length before heading out the southern exit where there were even more stalls. We browsed the various stalls and ended up at Lipang Lawai's stall, where she was still in the midst of extending Cat's necklace bought some time ago. So as we waited Cat got herself three earrings and a Kabo necklace for RM247.00 (approximately USD53/EUR48) that also included the cost of extending Cat Bao Tulang necklace.

Cat then bought a bracelet and two earrings from Borneo Touch Enterprise for RM52.00 (approximately USD10/EUR11).

We eventually arrived at the stall of Cat’s favourite beadstress, Caroline Agan just across from Lipang. Cat made sure to take her time perusing each item on display before deciding on a few items that included a hat, an Alai necklace, an African beaded necklace and a Turquoise necklace for a princely sum of RM530.00 (approximately USD113/EUR104). Caroline asked that we come back later collect the Turquoise necklace as she needed to extend it as well.

We then walked over to our favourite Nasi Beriani restaurant, Tajuddin for lunch where two plates of Nasi Beriani with Honey Chicken and Fried Chicken together with a round of drinks came to RM30.00 (approximately USD/EUR6).

Lunch out of the way we headed back into Central Market where Cat got some native foodstuff that included Rice and Umai, Ikan Terubuk Garing and Keropok Dabai for a total of RM53.00 (approximately USD10/EUR11).

We then headed out of Central Market to collect the extended Turquoise necklace from Caroline. Lipang however was not done with the Bao Tulang necklace extension so we promised to come see her tomorrow instead.

All in all Cat’s handsome bounty for the day came to RM935.00 (approximately USD199/EUR183).

We then headed back across Jalan Tun Sambathan and walked south along Jalan Hang Kasturi where we caught the same RapidKL bus #180 to the Pasar Seni Bus Hub for a fare of RM1.00 (approximately USD/EUR0.20) to the Kuala Lumpur City Hall bus stop. We then walked across Jalan Raja Laut then headed east along Jalan Esfahan past my office and stopped by the Starbucks here to take advantage of the buy 1-get-1-free offer of the day.

We continued east across Jalan TAR and soon made our way back to our home, looking forward to next year's instalment of BNf!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Central Market (Pasar Seni) -

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