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Friday 25 August 2023


Penang Esplanade!

Almost at the end of our walkabout Cat suggested we visit the Penang Esplanade, or Padang Kota Lama.

Taken off Google: "The waterfront Esplanade features historical landmarks, such as the Cenotaph war memorial and Fort Cornwallis, scenic promenades and access to several museums of art and culture. Architectural gems include Penang City Hall, which combines Edwardian Baroque and Palladian styles. Cafes, restaurants and bars dot the area, and there’s a handful of hotels. The ferry port offers trips to Butterworth and Langkawi Island."

We marvelled at the gorgeous building that is the Penang City Hall, and spent time taking a time-lapsed footage from the Esplanade Walkway.

We then resumed our walkabout, so be sure to catch that video!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Padang Kota Lama (Esplanade) -

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