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Monday 7 August 2023

MELAKA River Cruise

River cruise!

After dinner we went on an impromptu walkabout and found eventually found ourselves at the Melaka River Cruise ticket counter and treated Brendan (and Ashley) to a boat ride.

Truth be told we've been on this river cruise several times before this, but hardly at night.

We purchased our tickets from the counter for RM25.00 each (approximately USD/EUR5) and since Ashley brought her varsity student card she got an RM5 (approximately USD/EUR1) discount.

We then waited our turn and in about fifteen minutes boarded our boat. We hope the footage was not too shaky!

As an added bonus we threw in footage from an earlier boat ride taken during the day time, with an even better perspective of the Melaka river.

After the river cruise we took a leisurely stroll along the banks of the Melaka river until we eventually reached our Airbnb.

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Melaka River Park and Cruise -

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