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Wednesday 9 August 2023

Melaka Day 3 (Bronchitis?)

Day 3!

A bad bout of diarrhea and a nasty cough kept me up most of the night, so we decided to sleep in today.
We woke up late and by the time we left the Airbnb it was half past eleven in the morning. Ashley and Brendan were still asleep so we did not disturb their slumber.

First things first, we headed back to Cheng Ho Hawker Centre for the third time in as many days for lunch. My perut was still quite sore from the 'disturbances' earlier in the morning so we both decided to have rice porridge here.

After that we headed to Super Dry nearby for a spot of laundry.

All done we decided to visit a medical clinic since my cough would not go away, so we drove a short distance to Klinik Melaka Jaya. After having been thoroughly checked over the doctor feared that I was suffering from bronchitis! The doctor would have liked to have an ex-ray of my chest, but since we were going back to Kuala Lumpur the next morning he decided against it.

I was prescribed a host of medication, including antibiotics and cough syrup which effectively ended any hopes I had of roaming around Melaka today. We then drove back to the Airbnb where I spent the rest of the day under the covers.

Tomorrow we head back to Kuala Lumpur 😔

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Cheng Ho Hawker Centre -

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