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Saturday 28 September 2013

Restoran Phuket Seafood (Again!)

Restoran Phuket Seafood
Jalan 12/144A Taman Bukit Cheras
56000 Kuala Lumpur
(Coordinates: N3° 4' 14.5" E101° 44' 56.5")

As is always the case we had actually meant to have dinner at Tumes Café (29 Jalan Damai Niaga, Alam Damai 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Coordinates: E101° 44' 14.25" N3° 4' 28.00") but as luck would have it the place was closed. Being closed on a Saturday night means only one thing: it’s closed for good.

Oh well, since we were in the vicinity we decided to give our new-found favourite Tom Yam shop a go. Like we mentioned earlier, there are a myriad of stalls and restaurants claiming to serve 'Thai' Tom Yam in the Klang Valley. Out of these only a handful are the the genuine article, and since the proprietress and her kitchen staff hails from Patani, Southern Thailand, Phuket Seafood Corner is one of them.

our new-found favourite

fascinatingly neon-lit

we're back for more good food

Being creatures of habit (read: unimaginative) we inadvertently ordered the exact same dishes we had the last time around, which was (bar one beef dish): 1Tom Yam Campur, 2Sup Ekor, 3Kerabu Sotong and 4Telur Dadar for each of us.

1Hot and sour Thai soup, with broth made of stock and fresh ingredients such as lemongrass; kaffir lime leaves, galangal, lime juice, fish sauce, and crushed chili peppers
2Malaysian styled slow cooked Oxtail Soup using a fragrant combination of dried spices and fresh herbs such as garlic, cilantro, cumin, coriander, chilies, and ginger
3Thai Squid Salad - blanched squid with kaffir lime leaves, lemon grass, chili, coriander and cumin seeds and fish sauce served on a bed of cucumber and tomato
4Omelette with a smattering of salt

we're glad to be back

ice shavings!

my oxtail soup

Brendan's mixed tom yam

Cat's sotong kerabu

beware: really spicy condiment!

omelettes sitting pretty in a row

we love this rice pot

kŏr hâi jà-rern aa-hăan

As always, we enjoyed every single dish and had no complains whatsoever. And the damage? This restaurant will not cost you an arm and a leg since the total including a round of Iced Lemon Tea for Cat and Brendan and ABC (Ice Shavings) for moi came to a respectable RM32. My (not-so) little sister will be coming in with her husband from Abu Dhabi next week and she has specifically requested that we take them here.

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