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Sunday 1 January 2023

Penang Day 7 (Going Home)

Penang Day 7!

Our  final morning in Penang, we arose at six in the morning and checked out of Hotel Penaga soon after that. We hailed a Grab car for a fare of RM30.00 (approximately USD7/EUR6) to Queensbay Mall where we were catching the Aeroline bus again back to Kuala Lumpur.

Cliched as it sounded but time sure did fly by when we're having fun, slipped disc notwithstanding. We had an amazing six days in Penang and we were sad to leave, to the point that we overlooked that today was New Year's Day. To commemorate our stay in Penang we pieced together highlights of our six days into a short montage in the video below that we hope you will like.

We boarded the bus at 8:30am and departed five minutes later. It was a largely uneventful journey, we stopped at the Petronas petrol station in Simpang Pulai two hours later for a biological break and the bus resumed its journey.

Two hours after that we were within the city limits of Kuala Lumpur and arrived at Corus Hotel at five past one in the afternoon.

With that we end these series of vlogs on our trip to Penang. Please stay tuned as we make plans to visit Melaka in a few weeks time for Chinese New Year!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

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