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Sunday 21 May 2023

CENTRAL Market (Borneo Native Festival │Carol's Beading Project)

Borneo Native Festival is back!

We visited this festival exactly a year ago and were happy to visit it again. 

Dubbed the "Weekend for the arts: Borneo Native Festival in KL, master printmaker celebrated" by The Star Publications, this year's festival now in its second edition, was held in conjunction with Sabah's Kaamatan and Sarawak's Gawai festivals, respectively. There was bound to be a joyous harvest festival mood for all Malaysians and visitors to enjoy.

Shopping was also on the cards as the indoor area of Central Market had been transformed into a crafts bazaar with all things traditional and contemporary Borneo, while workshops, forums, film screenings, food demos and fun competitions were set to take place throughout the festival.

"This festival is held to introduce the culture of the Borneo communities to the people of the peninsula, as well as to bring the Kaamatan Festival and Gawai Day celebrations to the Sabahans and Sarawakians who cannot return to their villages."

Sadly, the colourful Borneo Native Festival parade that was set to take place with the route taken being Dataran Merdeka to Central Market did not materialise.

We entered Central Market and walked its entire length then headed out the other end where there were even more stalls. The place was lively with a Bornean beauty pageant being held and we strolled along to visit each stall.

We eventually parked ourselves at the stall that we truly intended to visit all along, which was Caroline's. It was just a month ago that we first met Caroline at the Gateway @ KLIA2, and Cat was chuffed to bits. She made sure to take her time perusing each item on display before deciding on a few items, namely a couple of Kabo necklaces and some bracelets as well that came to RM220.00 (approximately USD48/EUR44).

We then bade Caroline farewell and left the festival site, with a promise to meet up with her again in August at NU Sentral!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Central Market (Pasar Seni) -

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