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Sunday 12 March 2023

Drive to Nilai (Mahaban Bikum │ Nilai 3)


Two weeks on from our trip to Kuching and we had not planned on making any videos. My day job demanded all of my time and concentration, so editing videos was the last thing on my mind.

We had recently repainted our condo and wanted a change in our fittings so we took an impromptu drive to Nilai, a small town in the state of Negeri Sembilan about forty five minutes south of Kuala Lumpur.

We arrived at Nilai and made our way to Dataran Nilai (Square) to have lunch at Rumah Makan Dataran. We read about the positive reviews that Restoran Marhaban Bikum received online, and were game to try. 

We then scanned the QR code and placed our order for the:

  • Roasted Chicken with Arabic Rice
  • Grilled Chicken with White Rice
  • Sirap (Rose flavoured cordial drink)
  • Watermelon Lychee Juice

that came to a respectable RM40.00 (approximately USD9/EUR8). Lunch out of the way we drove out of Nilai Square and headed to Nilai 3 Wholesale Centre six kilometres away. Here was a large concentration of large retails stores selling textiles, curtains and related paraphernalia and carpets.

We strolled around for a little while but could not find the appropriate railings for our home. The heat was especially unbearable and dissuaded from exploring this vast network of textiles, curtains, and carpets.

Thus ended our unplanned vlog for this week. We hope to take you on another excursion next week when we visit the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) Fair!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Restoran Marhaban Bikum -
Nilai 3 Wholesale Centre -

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