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Sunday 15 October 2023

AEROLINE: Important Updates!


As was the case last year, we will be spending this Christmas in Penang again. Our favourite way to travel is by bus, and our favourite bus service to Penang is Aeroline.

We made our way to Corus Hotel and bought our bus tickets, but not without several surprising twists to the tale! For those intending to travel with Aeroline to Penang here are some things that we learnt:

  • A one-way ticket that would normally cost RM60.00 (approximately USD13/EUR12) has been increased to RM65.00 (approximately USD14/EUR13)
  • If you plan travel on a Friday through Sunday the price is then RM72.00 one-way (approximately USD15/EUR14) 
  • Please use cash when paying at the counter to avoid an additional 3% admin charge
  • Debit cards are not accepted for some reason
  • Large sized baggage are no longer free; a fee will be imposed

We were not yet able to purchase our return tickets, since the date was not yet 'open' for purchase.

Truth be told the above 'inconveniences' has given us pause to consider alternative means. A very tempting alternative would be the ETS, since the *Platinum from Butterworth to Kuala Lumpur is very similarly priced at RM73.00 (approximately USD15/EUR14).

*Electric Train Service (ETS) Platinum Class Trains are the quickest of all the ETS Services as they stop at only the main stations along the line and so are the quickest way to get from A to B on long distance trains. They also tend to operate at the most popular times of the day to travel.

It is a shame that Aeroline has decided to price themselves out of the game.

In the meantime, Brendan will be attending his graduation ceremony at UNIMAS early next month which is when we should be posting our next video, so please stay tuned!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur -
Aeroline (KL) -

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